

Phone bloggin' say what?!

Yeah this is happening!! It's Christmas eve and apparently Emory Mae Mande knows it, because she is up and ready to go! I'm so excited for today and tomorrow that I can hardly stand it!! It's funny, because had you told 6 year old me that one day I'd grow up to have the greatest job in the world on Christmas (obviously talking about being mommy Clause), I would have told you that you're a liar and that you're going on the naughty list. Well, you literally could have only told aged 1-6 year old me that and gotten that response, because by age seven I discovered the trunk full of presents all addressed to me, from "Santa".... Thanks brother, you were only kind of a cotton headed ninny muggins for sullying my Christmas that year. *rolls eyes*. Anyways! Back to what I was saying, I'm thoroughly looking forward to cookie making for Santa and seeing the anticipation on Lily's face as she waits for him to come!!! Oh innocence. Right? Not to mention its our first Christmas together as a complete family and Emory's first Christmas ever! Gonna take million pictures?! You bet your sweet ass I am : )
Other than major Christmas excitement my freaking AMAZING husband bought us iPhone's and I have no clue what the hell I was doing before I had this wondrous machine! Oh wait, now I remember, I was wasting my life away with my joke of a phone called the sidekick *rolls eyes again* I'm sure once the OMFGZ I HAVEZ A IPHONE AND ITZ ALL MINEZ!!!!! FCEGHGHGAJIKBFYH!!! Wears off I won't be as obsessed, but for now Bryce gets husband of the week. I'd say year/month, but let's face it, my dad has been putting up with my mom for like 16 years now and that shit is no picnic. That lady is bat shit crazy, I love her, but she's nuts haha Kudos to you dad ;p Here's to hoping she hasn't learned to read my blog yet!
Chances are I'll be blogging again shortly after Christmas and new years (one of my best friends of like almost 10 years is coming to see me on the 1st!!!!!) and I'll have 1000000000 pictures for you to look at!! We all know I love pictures!!! Can you say photo dump? Of course you can.

Merry Christmas and in 5 short days Happy New Year!! <3


"What can I get here that has no sugar, no carbs, and is fat free? "

  Today something life altering happened to me. I had a Five Guys burger and let me tell you, McDonalds will never suffice again. I know I know, what a fat kid thing to say right? Wrong. Very very wrong. Anyone that knows me, knows that I have a mild obsession with diner burgers. There's just something about a good ol' never frozen and always delicious burger that hits the spot for me every time. Add pickles, lettuce, bacon and mustard to the equation and I'm in diner burger heaven.
  It just so happens that I have a very elitist friend (Ashley Watts knows what's up) and he told me that the only fast food burger he will put in his body is a Five Guys burger. Me, being the Five Guys illiterate person I was, thought he was just being Chase. Well today after buying Lily's AWESOME Christmas fish and tank, the man meat asked if I wanted some Five Guys for lunch (srsly, how many times can I say Five Guys in one blog? I should get paid for this haha) and obviously I agreed. $20.00 later (holy crap expensive for burgers and fries right!? wrong again. worth every. single. penny.) and a full belly and I'll never be the same again. I immediately texted him after we left the restraunt and apologized for ever doubting his good burger senses. That being said, if you haven't tried Five Guys yet, you really should. Don't let the messy look of it turn you away, you will never want to eat another kind of burger again.
  Well that's it for my fat kid blog. Time to fast for 12 years since I gained at least 10 pounds eating my delicious burger :p
not my actual burger, but makes me want another one. 
p.s. (of course) I wish the Walking Dead were back on already, I N E E D to know what happens next! My zombie killing needs are going unfulfilled and I hates it. I guess to drown my thirst I'll settle for mass amounts of Dead Island, Left 4 Dead 2 and Zombieland.
p.s.s  you totally loved my A Cinderella Story reference didn't you!? I knows it. I'm only 6 different kinds of awesome in one lady. NBD bros. No. big. deal.


Oh Christmas Tree

Something about Christmas will always remind me of my mom. I hope that when Lily and Emory are older, they think the same thing as well. That is all : )

heart melting.

my favorite tree of all time. 

She changed her name to Lily Pops.

You never imagine how much you'll miss your little ones, once they aren't so little any more. I know that Lily is only 3 and to A LOT of people that's still tiny, but in my mind, tiny is that 7lb 12oz baby that I brought home from the hospital. The other day she was doing something "naughty" (nothing she does is really naughty, it's really just more mischievous than anything and 99% of the time hilarious) and I said, "Lily Addison Sipes!" In my best mommy voice, but let's face it my mom voice isn't the best.... it's more of an ALMOST mom voice. Reminder to self: work on mom voice. She no joke looked at me and said in her best big girl voice, "My name is NOT Lily Addison Sipes any more, I changed it to Lily Pops!" Well let me tell you something Lily Pops, your rude tude is adorable sometimes and it kills me. I just keep looking at my biggest princess and thinking, "Please slow down." She's potty trained, she said her first curse word (thanks sailor mouthed mom) and she can even ride her bike all on her own like it's nobody's business. I feel like a time machine is much needed. I need her to be like 3 foreverrrrrrrr!!!
  So it's time for Christmas crafting and I'd like to say that I've done a lot more crafting than I have, but alas all I've done really is make a cardboard tree (it's bitchin fo shooooo') and Lily and I made salt dough ornaments for her grandparents Christmas presents! AHH!! Talk about a good time haha She LOVED rolling the dough and painting them. It's probably the easiest stuff to make ever. I'd give a straight up tutorial on it, but I got mine from homemade grits. The only thing we did a little differently was paint her hands and I put felt on the back of the ornaments, because I have a serious case of new mommy brain and forgot the grease the pan. GO TEAM FORGET EVERYTHING! haha The finished product just made me so happy too. Having those little hands preserved forever is the best gift I could have given myself. Not to mention its her first handmade Christmas ornament!!!! H O L L E R!
my big girl <3

our finished product!! OW OW!
So there's that for you. Currently Lily is at her dad's mom's house (wow that's rough to type haha) and she won't be back for two weeks **WAAAHHH SNOOKIE WHINEEE** With her gone I dunno what to do with myself really, it's entirely too quite. 14 days is just way too stinkin' long if you ask me. Time for me to bid you a due though, it's 3 a.m. and Emory thinks it's PAR-TAY time. Oh to be 4 months old again right? Wrong. haha I will leave you with an incredibly disturbing picture of my husband at the end of Movember. (If you don't know what that is google it) Man am I glad I don't have to see that hideous mustache any more haha. 
Creepy right? yes.