

Come to find out, I'm not as much of an adult as I had planned.

  Being a military child/grandchild/wife you would think that I'd be at least SEMI prepared for the very real possibility of a deployment, right? Wrong. YOU are very wrong, because today when my husband looked at me and said, "We need to talk." I didn't think, "OH FUCK YOU'RE DEPLOYING BREAK OUT THE FOTHER MUCKIN TISSUES BRO!" Instead that child in me thought, "What did he buy that's really going to make my Wheaties taste like piss?" Truth be told, you're never going to be prepared to hear that the person you love is going to be leaving you for 6 months, because once it hits you all you can do is think about how much you're going to miss him and how much he's going to miss. I feel like such a brat, because I've been fortunate enough to never have had to really live totally on my own and in five short months that's totally happening and it's all mother air forces fault.
  I feel like I've really taken for granted how much time Bryce and I spend together and how he really is my best friend. Some days, he's the only adult I ACTUALLY get to interact with (besides the cute old ladies at Michael's that all happen to know not only my name, lily and Emory's names as well...problem much? I think so) I m just do used to having it all together all the time and now it's like, no. No you can't know what's always going to happen Amanda, because once you hurdle one obstacle, heres another one. Well fuck you very much life, I'm going to take this deployment by the horns and make it scream uncle, because I AM a very strong and very capable military spouse and you sir will not break me.
  That's being said, let us take some time to acknowledge the sever lack of blogging that I did after Christmas. I mean, 'the fruck was that?! It honestly was me being EXTREMELY busy. There really is no other piss poor excuse for my chitty interwebs behavior. So let us catch up, mmmmmkay? (as if I have any readers outside of my Facebook and lord knows you don't miss a thing about me there since I post every 6.6263 seconds) Aside from Bryce's birthday in January, that month was boring and cold. In February I turned a whole 23 years old! Can I get a woot? Now how about 2 woots? Thank you! I also, after 3 months of waiting, finally opened the FCC in my house and let me say I love love love my job!! Not only do I get to stay at home with my babies, but I also get to hang out with other babies an ct like a child all day. Who wouldn't love that?! March was filled with nothing. in April though, not only was I visited by both my families, but we also received the out of this world A W E S O M E news that Emory Mae Mande will NOT have to have surgery on her heart. Looks like the big guy reads blogs and felt bad that I called him out for being a bully.
 Now here we are already half way into May and I'm loving my life more than ever. With the exception of Bryce leaving me in October, my life is perfect.

It just so happens that not only is today daycare provider appreciation day but it is also military spouses appreciation day as well. Since I happen to hold both of those very tedious, but incredibly rewarding titles I think I'll treat myself to a Michaels shopping trip and a beer or three. Have an excellent mothers day all my fellow mommies, you're amazing and don't you ever forget it :)


OH WAIT!! Did you know I'm the only Amanda Mande in the good ol U S of A?! 'Murka. Fuck yeah.