

Let's hear it for the boy!

  No but really, let's give MY MAN a hand!! After 5 very very long weeks (and almost 6 years of service over all) for Bryce, he finally graduated Airman Leadership School and picked up Ssgt.! Not only did he graduate, but he graduated and won the award for distinguished graduate, which is a pretty big deal. Don't get me wrong when I say this. I am ALWAYS very proud of Bryce and how much he's willingly taken on in his life and how much he's endured and rose above; I was an exceptionally proud wife when I watched him receive his award and diploma though. He really worked his butt off every single day that he was in that class and it really paid off for him. We had a blast at his graduation ceremony with our friends and his colleagues and MAN did he look handsome in those blues. That's one thing about ALS that I'm going to miss, blues Mondays. Maybe I can talk him into just wearing them around the house for me or something. Bryce actually picked up Staff Sergeant on Friday since he was supposed to pick up in January, but couldn't due to him being deployed. Today was his first day back to work since and he came home from work and said how weird it is to have people calling him "Sergeant" and "Sir", which I totally understand. The idea of having Bryce be somebody's boss makes me giggle a lot when I think about it. . . He plays with lightsabers and owns a Golden Tee game.... come on now people. I did tell him he should get used to, especially since it's his dream to go officer after this and he's one step closer. No matter what he does, I'm extremely proud of my man meat and I wanted y'all to share that with me, because you're my people and I figured you're allowed to be proud with me.
I was the luckiest lady in the room, no doubt.
  Aside from Bryce's exciting news, we've just been spending a lot of time with the girls before they left for Florida for 2 weeks. Yesterday we dropped them off and that was NOT an easy task for me. I have no idea how to be without my kids, which is sad and funny at the same time. I woke up this morning to a completely silent house and in that moment I realized that being a mom is the best job I could ever ask for, no matter how hard it is from time to time. I missed the noise, I missed having to make a million pancakes and I even missed our early morning Super Why! cuddles on the couch. Naturally I called my mom as soon as it was an acceptable hour (I deemed 8 am as acceptable) and she reassured me that they are just fine and are having a blast road tripping with Nanny and aunt Kaity. I know Lily is more than anxious to make it to Nanny's house and get in "Nanny's HUGE pool" as she refers to is and spend some time at the beach with her aunts and sissy. I know I can't wait to get down there and spend time with my family and their bar in the back yard.  SPEAKING OF AUNT KAITY! My little sister graduated from high school yesterday!!!! I could not have been more proud if I tried. Unfortunately we missed the graduation, but I got to stop by her graduation party and give her a gift and as many hugs as acceptable. I feel like it was yesterday that she was following me everywhere and tattling on me and now she's all grown up and off in to the big world. It's so crazy to think that not long from now, my other little sisters will be on their way to graduation and all grown up too. I hate even thinking about that. I want them to be little girls that worship the ground their big sister walks on forever. OH MAN then my kids will be graduation and too cool for me too... EVERYONE NEEDS TO JUST STOP GROWING UP OKAY!?! I CAN'T TAKE THIS!!! *cries* *done crying*
the girls in their new elephant pool and adorable matching
  I know this wasn't very long, I just wanted to share the good news of my favorite graduates and my little loves. I'm off to do some cleaning and maybe napping, because I can do that now that the only things I have to care for are Winston and our NEWST ADDITION CHARLIE!!!! That's right, we got a blue tick coon hound and I love his droopy little face and long ears more than anything else. Not to mention, he's one heck of a smart dog. He already whines at the door to be let out. I'm a pretty blessed fur baby owner. OH! and he loves his sisters, like a lot. Now if only they'd take his puppy playing as him loving them rather than thinking he's trying to eat their souls, all would be well.
Charles Xavier Mande
  Y'all have a good day now! I'm sure I'll be back several times this week with date night stories and complaining about missing my baby girls.
