


  Tonight I miss you and I can't shake it. Most nights I can. I can tell myself that the day has passed and it's one day closer to you or that we're almost half way to being together again. Not tonight, no... not tonight. Tonight I can't help but miss your smile. Your smile that infects my entire being. Your smile that, even after almost 4 years of seeing it, still gives me that fluttery "I can't believe he's mine" feeling. Tonight I miss your hands. Your hands that can change my entire mood with a single brush of my skin. Your hands that hold mine and make me feel at ease. Tonight I miss your laugh. Your laugh that fills our entire house with happiness. Your laugh that usually comes at awful awkward times, but still manages to make me laugh as well. Tonight I miss your voice. Your voice that soothes me and calms me even when I'm at my worst. Tonight I miss you being here. I miss your hug and your touch and your kiss and just the energy you bring into my life. Tonight I miss every single thing that I love most about you, because sometimes, Skype just isn't enough. Sometimes, you just need to feel it and really feel it to feel okay. Tonight is not a good night. It's a bad one. Tonight is the kind of night that all military wives have every once in a while and that's okay. It's okay to have nights like tonight, because it's nights like tonight, when I miss you so much it hurts, that remind me why I fell in love with you in the first place. It's these little quirks and traits of yours that make waiting for you so hard and yet so worth it at the same time. 

How lucky I am to have somebody to miss so much. 


I was bred for this....wasn't I?

  It's funny how a saying can take on a whole new meaning, once it means something to you. "You'll never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only option." As of lately I've discovered that I'm goddamn Super Woman.  Since Bryce has left, I'm starting to realize and appreciate everything that he does with and for me, but more than anything I'm gaining a new appreciation for what I do every single day. It amuses me how frazzled I get during the day, because at one point in time I was THAT wife that watched other husbands leave and thought to myself and some times openly on Facebook, "Man, I wish that bitch would suck it up and stop whining, she knew what she was getting in to." False. F A L S E! You have no idea what you're in for with a deployment, until you're going through one, add kids to the mix and it's borderline hell. Add 2+ kids that aren't yours 6 days a week and I'm pretty sure people will start classifying you as a bat shit crazy lady. That's where I'm at now. Yes, he only left last week. YES, I am still adjusting. YES, I know I do my fair share of complaining about how hard it is, but it's mainly because for whatever reason, I expect more of myself.
As the title suggests, I feel like I was almost bred for this. All I've known my entire life is the military. This IS my normal. I get a lot of, "Oh well your dad is a Marine (OOH RAH!) (almost 20 years) (something else I want to include that's relevant) You're used to this right?" No. No, I'm not. Wanna know why? Of course you do. In the almost 20 years that my dad has been enlisted, he's never deployed. That's pretty much unheard of, but that's my dad for you. I went into this marriage with the delusional pretense that I would be just as lucky as my mom was. What I obviously over looked is I might as well have been born on Friday the 13th, under a ladder, while a black cat walked in front of my mother's vagina and I shatter a mirror or 12 on the way out. What I'm getting at is, I'm not used to this, BUT I am GETTING used to it. It's all a matter or getting in the swing of just being you again and while I miss Bryce very much and the first two days were very hard, I'm pretty proud of myself so far. I can only imagine how awesome I'm going to feel about 6 months down the road. I just wish I'd let myself just take all of this in and not feel bad for being generally sad about the whole thing. I find myself being really hard on me and saying, "Are you seriously STILL crying about this? It's been a week... get over it!!" Needless to say, I have some seriously talking that I need to do with me, because that bitch, is not being nice. She's being kind of a bully and NOBODY LIKE A BULLY AMANDA! Sheesh.
 So far I've just a mile long list of things/goals I'd like to accomplish while he's off saving Africa from Kony (no he's not really doing that, but I find it amusing... deal with it). I'm planning on making a game out of saving as much money as I can to help fund our Disneyland/Wizarding World of Harry Potter trip for when he's home. Not to mention we're still very much planning on hitting up Mexico too. OW OW! I'd also like to lose like.... 15 poundsish, because who doesn't want to give their husband a super model to come home to!? Other than those, really it's just fixing little things around the house and finding things to keep myself as busy as humanly possible so that at the end of the day I have no time to dwell on him not being here and I can just pass out. Right now being consumed in bow making it helping, you wouldn't believe the amount of bows I've had to make every night! When they say (who the hell are "THEY" exactly and how do they know all this stuff?) there's no business like bow business, they were right!!! I'm also working on some pretty freaking bitchin' deployment blocks to help Lily Pops count down, once I finish those bad boys, you can bet your sweet blog reading asses I'll having a million pictures up. THEN on top of all of that, I only have one spot left open in my daycare. Talk about freaking busy! How anyone wants any more than two kids is beyond me. Those of you with more, you have me convinced you're either a saint or a nut. . . or a nutty saint?I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with that one haha.
  I will say that I'm overwhelmed with the amount of support and love and kind words that have came my way since Bryce left and even before. I really am so lucky to live in a community of such supportive and genuine military wives that want nothing more that to let me know that no matter what I need, even if it's just to cry, they're there to listen and to help and to offer me words of encouragement and advice. It's amazing. That doesn't even include everyone that isn't affiliated with the military that has offered to help and just be there. I think I cried more from being so happy to see how awesome my support system is, than I did when Bryce left. My heart is feeling super happy because of it and it's a feeling that is so welcomed in my life at this point in time.
  Well that's all for this time y'all! We're going to the pumpkin patch soon, so be ready for that! Not to mention, since it's fall and all, I s'pose it's time to make ANOTHER fall bucket list! Thanks for reading and thank you to everyone that has supported me through everything that has went on this past year, you cannot begin to imagine how important to me your kind words and well wishes really are, I don't and never will take them for granted. You're awesome.

Words of truth. 


Sunday Funday

Hello blog readers! It's Sunday, which is typically the day I plan out the daycare activities for the week and today is no different. This won't be very long, because it's a Harry Potter weekend on ABC family and I have a lot of rearranging to do, BUT I may or may not have went a little daycare shopping crazy today. I keep seeing awesome sensory bag tutorials on pinterest (color you surprised? nope, you're totally aware of my obsession) and I decided Emory and Nevaeh needed to be the proud baby owners of one of their very own. It's a very very very fantastic sensory tool especially for little babies. The basic gist of the bag is to give them different textures to feel while making it pretty and squishy. All you have to do to make your own is grab a gallon freezer bag, two bottles of hair gel (I mixed clear and blue because it gave it some color), whatever knick knacks you want to add to it for texture and some duct tape to give it a little color. Make sure the knick knacks that you use aren't sharp though, because it could possibly rip the bag and who wants to deal with that goopy gooey mess? Not I, that's who. Just throw all of it into the gallon bag and duct tape around the edges and you have yourself a super awesome, super entertaining sensory bag!! CAN I GET A WOOT!?! Thank you. I basically just grabbed whatever I could find in at the dollar tree and I really like the way it turned out and so does Emmy Mae. I mean, honestly, I think I like to squish it around as much as she does. I'm sure that
Check out those super awesome bouncy balls!!
surprises nobody though, right? Another awesome daycare discovery of mine is a play plastic mirror that my girls just SUPER love. I lay it on the floor and I swear that they don't leave that spot for an hour. They either means I'm awesome for figuring it out or they're really vain. I might be leaning more towards vain, because let's face it... they are my kids. It's a super great recognition tool for Emory and Nevaeh as far as learning their faces and features. I'm super proud of my level of awesome daycare providerness lately. I seriously super love this job and I think it's setting me up to succeed at potentially homeschooling Emory and Lily when the time comes. Speaking of which, guess who is going to preschool come fall!? LILY!! On Friday we're going to sign her up and pay the semester fee and then I'm gonna sit in my living room in my rocking chair in an old robe, eating ice cream and crying because my little Lily isn't so little any more. It seems like I go in circles with that one, eh? I guess I'm never going to accept that she's getting bigger. She'll be 30 years old with a family of her own and I'll still be trying to hold her hand to cross the road or something insane like that.
  What with her being a big kid and not, today we made the leap into the world of responsibility and bought her a chore chart. I had to sit her down and explain to her that the whole family relies on each other to function like a well oiled machine and even though she's little, she has to be a part of the team now and set an example for her little sister. She was SO excited about it. We picked out her chores together and she's even completed two of them already. Mind you, they're things we do every single day together anyways, but you gotta start somewhere right? Right. I think we're going to set up some kind of reward system with her as well. We were thinking a nickel for each chore and then using that money to teach her the responsibility of not only saving money, but donating to help others as well. It's never too early to start her off right and hopefully that will rub off on to Emory as well.
Alright blogger world, it is time for me to get my activities all together for tomorrow. I have PCS care to do for the cutest little 3 year old ever and I wanna have some fun while I have more than just Lily. Hello finger and sponge painting!! Wish me lucky and pray for my patience. Goodnight and have an excellent Monday y'all.



Almost wordless Wednesday

HAPPY 4th Y'ALL!! (I couldn't do the 4th in white, so we're changing America's colors to red, black and blue. Keepin' it classy. no big deal.)

Two things. I found this picture of this person that couldn't possibly be me, because check that sweet stache... oh and that sweet hair. NOPE NO WAY THAT'S ME!.... or is it.... DUN DUN DUN!
All I know is that's one good lookin' bro dude in those Besty Johnson specs. Hanging out in that SWEET craft closet with that hot pink kitty cat. I'd totes hit that. . . Looks like that person dyed their hair black too!! OW OW!! Man I wish I were that cool. . . . I'm so lame. ALSO! My MO FRUCKIN SWEET ASS HARRY POTTER SHIRT SHIPPED TODAY!!! AHHHHHH!!! I srsly cannot wait to have my hands and body all over that thing. 
So beyond cool right? Fuckin' a right it is! Alright, that's all for ALMOST wordless Wednesday. Be safe and GOD BLESS 'MERICA!!!! and your heart, god bless that too ya heathens.  
Runnin shit since 1776


Honey! I'm teaching the kids!

  As many of you know, I run a FCC (family child care). I'd like to say that I'm THE best at it, but I'm not. I love my job and I love the kids I have, but I want to do more, so I'm ALWAYS on pinterest looking for new ideas and guess what!? I found some. I wanted to share my recent discoveries with you, because I know how awful it can be to have to search for a billion years for something that hasn't been done a million times.
  This website is AMAZING for preschool packs! Everything is so eye catching and just so stinking cute I can't even stand it! 1+1=1 . I spent all day yesterday printing, laminating, cutting and prepping these awesome packs for when Lily gets home from gymnastics camp. I figured since I'm about 3 modules away from lesson planning, I might as well get a head start right? Not to mention I'm seriously considering home schooling my ladies since I found out that even if they are home schooled, they'll still be able to play sports in the school district that we live in AND attend dances and what not : )
My Peter Pan preschool pack. Kind of makes you wanna go to Neverland right!?
  In addition to lesson planning, I needed to find an alternative to time out, so once again I turned to the all mighty pinterest. I kept seeing the "Mind Jar" floating around and I pinned it a billion years ago, but I just never got around to doing it... until... yesterday! I found the tutorial here : Mind Jar Tutorial and it was so simple and easy to follow. I simply used a medium sized mason jar (I'm from the south, so giving up a drinking glass was hard for me :p) two cups of HOT HOT HOT HOT water, pink food coloring and about 4 table spoons of glitter glue. I may or may not have went over board with the glitter glue, because I may or may not REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY fucking love glitter. Yes the "f" bomb was needed, deal with it. BACK TO THE MIND JAR Y'ALL! Making sure your water is really hot is key to this, because the hot water helps dissolve the glue and cause the glitter to unclump and fall the way its supposed to. Um... I just realized I never told you the purpose of the mind jar! Way to go team scatter brain Amanda. Basically when your child does something that would normally be time out worthy, instead of going to time out, they have to shake the mind jar and get their thoughts and frustrations out while watching all the glitter settle at the bottom of the jar. Once all the glitter has settled, they are allowed to get up and rejoin the fun. I know Lily despises time out and will ask me a billion times when she can get out. This way she gets to look at pretty glitter, gather her thoughts and she'll have a set time of when she's allowed to get up again. Here's a picture of my awesomeness!!
I seriously love looking at the glitter fall myself, because I'm a child. 
  My life has been 100% daycare filled the past two days and today is no different. I luckily don't have any babies for the next three days, but I'm spending my day rearranging my "centers" to make room for a quite book area. I put the cutest little blue couch and chair on hold at my lending library since I believe it was the last one and I'll be picking that up later today AND IM SO FUCKING EXCITED!!! So that's my day. I'm really just trying to fill the time that Lily's been gone to her grandmas. She's there for summer camp and love love loving every second of it. We were actually gearing up for t-ball season and I got a call last night asking me to be the coach for her team, which I so wanted to do, but we decided to not avoid t-ball all together this year and put her into gymnastics since it's something she really enjoys doing already. You have no clue how much it killed me to turn down coaching. There's always next year right? Right. 
  Well looks like I should probably go rescue my books from Emory's distractive grasp. YES I STILL HAVE REAL BOOKS! REAL BOOKS FOR LIFE!!!



I can be thankful before Thanksgiving, right?

  Well good MORNING blogger world! How are you on this fabulous Thursday morning?! I am obviously doing better than most, what with my upbeat and bippity (what does that even MEAN AMANDA!?!?!) mood. Really my upbeat mood is totally coffee/doughnut induced thanks to the man meat I call my absolutely wonderful husband. Today I feel the need to vent, but what else is new? I feel like such a child lately with how much I let little things just ruin my day or how much I let the petty things people do affect me. It wasn't until recently that I was like this and I 100% blame it on being a mom (always finding the best in people and giving them the benefit of the doubt) and my boy scout husband that seems to act as my conscience (I guess normal people have those! and tear ducts? normal people are wack yo.) All too often it seems like I take more time out of my day to bitch about so-and-so and what they're doing to make my life a little less perfect and not enough time to be thankful for every single thing that I DO have in my life. I have a husband, that I love and adore beyond words. A husband who is my very best friend and I can tell any and everything to with absolutely no judgement passed at all. I have, in my eyes of course, the two most beautiful children that have ever walked (or crawled in Emmy's case) this earth. I have a dog... he's just a dog, but he's MY dog, my puppy boy as I so lovingly call him. I have a house, I might not own this house, but this is MY house that I put a lot of effort and hard work into every single day to make it a home. I have a job that I love and adore. I'm trusted to all but raise another person's child every single day and I take pride in doing that and knowing that I'm doing that well. I have the opportunity to turn my hobby of bow making and crafting into something more and I can share that with the world. I put A LOT of effort into everything I do and I think that is how it should be, that's how it will always be with me. I don't know how to half ass something thanks to my mom, I guess it didn't go in one ear and out the other eh?

  I don't want it to seem like I'm "bragging" because I'm not. I just had one of those days yesterday where I let something so petty and so minimal in the grand scheme of things overcome me and upset me and that NEVER should have been the case. I did however see yesterday who my real friends are. I saw who would be there for me and listen to me bitch about my pointless drama and I will say I was surprised, but not really. I just wish that the friends that are really "friends" did something to set them a part so it wasn't so hard to see who is really a two face back stabbing bi-atch of a person... you know like... they could do that coin flippy thing with a double sided coin like Two Face from Batman or... you know... they could just have two faces like him, but really that'd be kind of gross so I take that back. THAT is not the point of THIS post though. I'm thankful. I am thankful for everything and everyone I have in my life. I am thankful for the people that have been there for me through everything. I am thankful for those that have showed me who they really are through childish and petty actions. I truly am very thankful today for everything, the good AND the bad in my life.

  That being said, since I'm so thankful can I celebrate thanksgiving and eat my way into a coma tonight!?! It is Thursday you know : ) Aside from the petty nonsensical drama that I've had going on lately, which even isn't that much , I've just been kicking it with my little ladies. Emmy is getting so ridiculously big it breaks my heart haha She's actually eating food now, which is the best news my tits have heard in a  while, because those things are sore and tired. Har de har har. She's saying, "no." and "bye bye" and if you even mention Winston's name she goes on a mad hunt for that poor animal only to pull his hair and yell (happily of course) into his poor puppy ears, but he loves it and just lays there like a good boy and takes it gladly. It's gonna be a sad day when that pup boy passes away for my girls. I just envision the scene from Marley and Me and it makes me want to cry, too bad I DONT HAVE TEAR DUCTS! KAZOW!.... I'm sorry.... I'll never "kazow" you again, I don't know where that came from. My apologies. In July Lily starts T-ball, which i sincerely hope goes much much better than soccer did. My dear lord I have never see a child hate a sport more. At one point during her last game she was laying facedown on the field and I swear at one point I saw her throw her baby middle fingers in the air and scream, "#YOLO!" and she laid there on the ground and yes... she said hashtag. I think she dislikes it so much, because she doesn't like other people to touch her or to be pushed and the little boys on her soccer team went HAM all day er' day.... on Saturdays really, but you get me. My fingers are crossed that she likes t-ball much more. I did take it upon myself to get Emmy a baby shirt that says Lily's biggest fan on it with a cute baseball that has pink stitching and a pink bow on it. I'm THAT mom and I love it.

  I counted it out and Bryce goes home to mother Africa in 99 days. Everything about that sentence makes me sad, except the mother africa part, I thought that was pretty clever and for whatever reason when I say it I picture my husband standing at the top of pride rock holding a young lion cub in his hands like this:
Only, those lions would eat him and then I'd be sad all over again, but he really does look like that... he's a looker right!? I'm just trying to mentally prepare now and part of me wants it to happen already so that it can be done and over with. Once again I am VERY thankful he's not going somewhere insane and he's going to be very safe, but I still hate everything about it. I know a few people that  thinking I'm constantly "bitching" about the deployment, but really ladies that's not what I'm bitching about at all. I'd bitch if he were leaving for a week and you know why? Because HE'S MY BEST FRIEND! Nobody wants to be away from the one they love for that long, I don't care how many deployments you've been though, if there ever comes a time where you say to yourself, "You know, you're deploying and I don't really care because I've done it before." Then something isn't right and as of right now, I am going to bitch bitch bitch bitch B I T C H about him leaving all I want to, so SUCK ON THAT! That being said, I'm thankful I have the means of bitching via the interwebz whenever I want : )

  Alright Blogger world, you have stolen enough of my time and now it's time for me to finger paint and play patty cake all day long. So I'll leave you with this. Be thankful. Be thankful that it could be much worse and even if it couldn't get any worse, you could be dead and nobody wants that. Life's not that serious. Facebook isn't THAT serious. Learn who you need and who you don't and once you cut those ties, you will feel like a million pounds was lifted off your shoulders. Then be thankful that you did. Have a super bitchin' Thursday and remember... tomorrow is... FRIDAY FRIDAY GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAY!!! <3


oh and here's a picture of my shmemy shmoo (yes, we call her that)

that's one cute mom... i mean... baby :p
OH OH and go look at this and possibly like it if you haven't done so? I'm trying to get my "likes" up and get the word out and about so any help is appreciated : )


Wordless Wednesday

^^ Click that and check out my "bowtique"(original I know) in the making ^^

and enjoy this

no kisses will be taken sissy.


I'm awful at wordless Wednesdays :p


We're well on our way to having a "big girl"

  No matter how much I don't want to think about it, I simply cannot ignore the fact that my little baby isn't so little any more and I dislike everything about it. Two days ago Emory Mae turned a whole TEN, that's right ladies and gents (who am I kidding, only vaginas read this thing) T-E-N.... 10.... diez.... and so on and so forth, months old. It baffles me that it's been that long since she made her way out of me and then I look at her and it makes sense. She's now a pro fake cryer, a pro furniture walker, a pro big sister annoyer, a pro teeth grower (we're on number 8 now... in 3 months) and a pro at waving bye-bye, doing "SO BIG!" and clapping. Most moms are overwhelmed with joy when they see their baby doing new things or experiencing firsts, I on the other hand dislike it. Not a lot, just a little and only because I still feel like she is my little baby or she should be at least. I don't know if she still seems so little to me, because I have Lily pops to compare her to or what, but to me she's still my teeny tiny 8 pound 1 ounce baby.

When E Money was 3 days old.
  As I watch her try and fake cry her way out of baby jail, I can't help but feel my heart cringe a little. My girls are going to grow up and I can't stop it. I can't stop them from going to school, well really I could, but I'm a lazy creature. I can't stop them from being bullied. I can't stop them from being the victim of mean horrible wretched girls. I can't stop them from falling in love with the wrong person. I can't stop their precious hearts from being broken into a million pieces by said douche bucket. I can't stop any of it. So what do I do? I embrace it, but not in the way that those creepy "younger" moms do where they borrow their daughters clothes and pretend to be their best friend, because of the fact that they "look alike". There's NOTHING okay with THOSE moms. I'm really going to embrace it and be their best friends. I'm going to be their activists. I'm going to be that PTA meeting, team mom, stick figure on the back of my care having mother and I'm going to love every minute of it, because I only get them to myself for a few more years and then they have to venture out into the big ol' world and I can't stop how that world is going to treat them. Oh and you can bet your sweet ass that once they're in that big ol' world, I'm going to be that mom that still cooks them dinner (providing that they're close enough of course.... or maybe I'll move to them :p) and does their laundry and sneaks money into their bank accounts. Basically, if you've seen Diane Keaton in Because I said so, that's going to be me. A little crazy about letting them go, but always with the best intentions.... and.... I probably won't sleep with their boyfriend's dad. PROBABLY, but no promises ladies.

And NOW she's 10 months.
  Aside from my daily mini freak outs about my babies leaving me, I've just been staying busy as usual. I finally struck a deal with my man meat about my bow business. I get an hour (thats right! 60 whole glorious minutes!) to myself a night to fill bow orders, do paper work.... Facebook and pinterest aimlessly, let's be real thats what i'll be doing mostly. I know it seems silly to have to set an hour aside for myself, but with the way the two of us work lately we're lucky if we can pee on our own anymore. Oh the never-ending joy of being parents right? Speaking of businesses, the daycare is going great! I am seriously so beyond happy that I decided to go this route in life. I have one full time baby and she's amazing. However, if Emory doesn't stop trying to sit on her and Lily doesn't stop trying to put baby doll clothes on her, I'm afraid she'll leave my house a little confused in life as to whether she should wear clothes 6 times too small and be a couch or not. <---- see what I did there? I made a joke! har har har! Look don't judge me, that small clothes wearing couch had me up at 5 a.m. this morning. O K A Y!?
  Now I'll leave you with two pictures. So enjoy those as much as you did reading this....which.... you know was THE FREAKING HIGHLIGHT OF YOUR DAY! (that was me tooting my invisible blog horn) and have a super day or night or afternoon or afternoon poop or whatever it is that you're going to be doing after this. : )

Seriously, I have the cutest kids ever.
Idk if you noticed, but those are Pinkalicious "hair extensions"
Diva much? You know it.
As much as I love my job, this is the result of it at the end of the day.
A High Life Lite in a pink sparkly koozie on my boobie shelf.


Come to find out, I'm not as much of an adult as I had planned.

  Being a military child/grandchild/wife you would think that I'd be at least SEMI prepared for the very real possibility of a deployment, right? Wrong. YOU are very wrong, because today when my husband looked at me and said, "We need to talk." I didn't think, "OH FUCK YOU'RE DEPLOYING BREAK OUT THE FOTHER MUCKIN TISSUES BRO!" Instead that child in me thought, "What did he buy that's really going to make my Wheaties taste like piss?" Truth be told, you're never going to be prepared to hear that the person you love is going to be leaving you for 6 months, because once it hits you all you can do is think about how much you're going to miss him and how much he's going to miss. I feel like such a brat, because I've been fortunate enough to never have had to really live totally on my own and in five short months that's totally happening and it's all mother air forces fault.
  I feel like I've really taken for granted how much time Bryce and I spend together and how he really is my best friend. Some days, he's the only adult I ACTUALLY get to interact with (besides the cute old ladies at Michael's that all happen to know not only my name, lily and Emory's names as well...problem much? I think so) I m just do used to having it all together all the time and now it's like, no. No you can't know what's always going to happen Amanda, because once you hurdle one obstacle, heres another one. Well fuck you very much life, I'm going to take this deployment by the horns and make it scream uncle, because I AM a very strong and very capable military spouse and you sir will not break me.
  That's being said, let us take some time to acknowledge the sever lack of blogging that I did after Christmas. I mean, 'the fruck was that?! It honestly was me being EXTREMELY busy. There really is no other piss poor excuse for my chitty interwebs behavior. So let us catch up, mmmmmkay? (as if I have any readers outside of my Facebook and lord knows you don't miss a thing about me there since I post every 6.6263 seconds) Aside from Bryce's birthday in January, that month was boring and cold. In February I turned a whole 23 years old! Can I get a woot? Now how about 2 woots? Thank you! I also, after 3 months of waiting, finally opened the FCC in my house and let me say I love love love my job!! Not only do I get to stay at home with my babies, but I also get to hang out with other babies an ct like a child all day. Who wouldn't love that?! March was filled with nothing. in April though, not only was I visited by both my families, but we also received the out of this world A W E S O M E news that Emory Mae Mande will NOT have to have surgery on her heart. Looks like the big guy reads blogs and felt bad that I called him out for being a bully.
 Now here we are already half way into May and I'm loving my life more than ever. With the exception of Bryce leaving me in October, my life is perfect.

It just so happens that not only is today daycare provider appreciation day but it is also military spouses appreciation day as well. Since I happen to hold both of those very tedious, but incredibly rewarding titles I think I'll treat myself to a Michaels shopping trip and a beer or three. Have an excellent mothers day all my fellow mommies, you're amazing and don't you ever forget it :)


OH WAIT!! Did you know I'm the only Amanda Mande in the good ol U S of A?! 'Murka. Fuck yeah.