

Sunday Funday

Hello blog readers! It's Sunday, which is typically the day I plan out the daycare activities for the week and today is no different. This won't be very long, because it's a Harry Potter weekend on ABC family and I have a lot of rearranging to do, BUT I may or may not have went a little daycare shopping crazy today. I keep seeing awesome sensory bag tutorials on pinterest (color you surprised? nope, you're totally aware of my obsession) and I decided Emory and Nevaeh needed to be the proud baby owners of one of their very own. It's a very very very fantastic sensory tool especially for little babies. The basic gist of the bag is to give them different textures to feel while making it pretty and squishy. All you have to do to make your own is grab a gallon freezer bag, two bottles of hair gel (I mixed clear and blue because it gave it some color), whatever knick knacks you want to add to it for texture and some duct tape to give it a little color. Make sure the knick knacks that you use aren't sharp though, because it could possibly rip the bag and who wants to deal with that goopy gooey mess? Not I, that's who. Just throw all of it into the gallon bag and duct tape around the edges and you have yourself a super awesome, super entertaining sensory bag!! CAN I GET A WOOT!?! Thank you. I basically just grabbed whatever I could find in at the dollar tree and I really like the way it turned out and so does Emmy Mae. I mean, honestly, I think I like to squish it around as much as she does. I'm sure that
Check out those super awesome bouncy balls!!
surprises nobody though, right? Another awesome daycare discovery of mine is a play plastic mirror that my girls just SUPER love. I lay it on the floor and I swear that they don't leave that spot for an hour. They either means I'm awesome for figuring it out or they're really vain. I might be leaning more towards vain, because let's face it... they are my kids. It's a super great recognition tool for Emory and Nevaeh as far as learning their faces and features. I'm super proud of my level of awesome daycare providerness lately. I seriously super love this job and I think it's setting me up to succeed at potentially homeschooling Emory and Lily when the time comes. Speaking of which, guess who is going to preschool come fall!? LILY!! On Friday we're going to sign her up and pay the semester fee and then I'm gonna sit in my living room in my rocking chair in an old robe, eating ice cream and crying because my little Lily isn't so little any more. It seems like I go in circles with that one, eh? I guess I'm never going to accept that she's getting bigger. She'll be 30 years old with a family of her own and I'll still be trying to hold her hand to cross the road or something insane like that.
  What with her being a big kid and not, today we made the leap into the world of responsibility and bought her a chore chart. I had to sit her down and explain to her that the whole family relies on each other to function like a well oiled machine and even though she's little, she has to be a part of the team now and set an example for her little sister. She was SO excited about it. We picked out her chores together and she's even completed two of them already. Mind you, they're things we do every single day together anyways, but you gotta start somewhere right? Right. I think we're going to set up some kind of reward system with her as well. We were thinking a nickel for each chore and then using that money to teach her the responsibility of not only saving money, but donating to help others as well. It's never too early to start her off right and hopefully that will rub off on to Emory as well.
Alright blogger world, it is time for me to get my activities all together for tomorrow. I have PCS care to do for the cutest little 3 year old ever and I wanna have some fun while I have more than just Lily. Hello finger and sponge painting!! Wish me lucky and pray for my patience. Goodnight and have an excellent Monday y'all.


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