Anybody that knows me, knows how much I L O V E football. No joke, getting me off the couch and away from the t.v. on a Sunday is no easy task. I'm like a man in the aspect of my life and I have my daddy to thank for it. I also have the wonderful man to thank for my eternal love of America's team, the Dallas Cowboys. I'll be the fist to say that I love my husband more than ALMOST anything in this world, but if Miles Austin wanted me to have all 12 of his children, let's just say I wouldn't decline his offer. : ) Aside from Sunday football, my weekend has been what they call "le boring", but "le relaxing". The man child and I decided to throw back a few beers and indulge in the Firefly marathon that was on the Science Channel last night (who knew we had the science channel!?). My daughter was a big girl and kept her panties dry both Thursday AND Friday and we're working on it today. I see a Candyland purchase in my near future (that's her prize for doing so great) and Emory decided to sleep through the night on Friday night, hello much needed sleep!! I did mange to finally get to the grocery store yesterday and thank God for that too, because we were resulting to quick dinner fixes, a.k.a fast food *pukes* But other than that t-rex that I captured in my back yard, putting a steak in Edward Cullen's NOT BEATING heart and curing cancer/stupidity.... my weekend was pretty boring. True story.
Go Cowboys!! |
p.s. Has anyone ever questioned how Edward Cullen produced a child? I've said this before, but I'll ask you this, if his heart isn't beating (not pumping blood through his body) how did he get "it" up (no rigamortis doesn't count as a valid answer) and make a baby?! HE DIDN'T! THAT'S HOW! PLOT FAIL!!! Sparkly vampire biatch, my wizard would take you out any day.
you said it best Harry <3 |
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