

Sleep is for the weak...obviously.

Another night in which Emory thought that an hour of sleep was all that mommy really needed. Thanks you gorgeous little girl, I love you too. There is something really great that came out of it though. What might that be you ask? A recipe for a "creamer" version of pumpkin spice flavoring for coffee. If you're anything like me then to you fall means all things PUMPKIN! Don't get me wrong, it's no Pumpkin Spice Latte from your local coffee shop, but it's still way cheaper ( $4.54 for a latte?! bite me over priced coffee chain, i will not bow to you...even though i really want to sometimes) Before I found the deliciousness that is this recipe, I tried the other pumpkin spice latte recipes that required me to use actual pumpkin and to say, "Epic fail." doesn't even cover it haha. This one is simple and still gets the job done. 

Homemade Pumpkin Spice Creamer mix:

1 cup. Confectionate sugar.
1 cup. Coffee Creamer (you can use a flavored one if you'd like)
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. Pumpkin spice (I used two... ZOMG PUMPKIN!!)

(Feel free to double or triple or quadruple the recipe so you don't have to make more any time soon.)

All you have to do is combine all of the ingredients in a food processor (you don't have to use one, I'm sure as long as you mix it well it doesn't matter) and mix for a minute until it's powdery and awesome looking. All that's left now is to add it to your coffee and enjoy while thinking of me...of course. 

Now, I'm going to enjoy my next 12 cups of coffee to keep me awake and finish watching ROCKET POWER! *high pitch squeal* Here's a picture of me and my favorite coffee cup that my favorite and only sister-in-law bought me for Christmas. (I know you're probably sick of seeing pictures of me by now :p)

Man I'm super cute after no sleep! I hope you can hear my sarcasm through this caption. 

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